
This project aims to provide easy access to Google Cloud Key Management Service services. It is a wrapper of the official google cloud storage java library abstracting over the tedious omniversal builder pattern and the ability to use arbitrary context for effect handling and concurrency.

  • Effects and concurrency can be computed in an arbitrary type F[_]
  • A natural transformation (() => ?) ~> F have to be provided to lift the computation.


Add the last stable version of google4s-gkms to your build dependencies:

libraryDependencies += "co.upvest.google4s" %% "google4s-gkms" % "..."

For more see example

You need to get a Client and provide it with the appropriate natural transformation to lift your effect into F. The natural transformation have the form of (() => ?) ~> F what in essence helps you to have more control over the effect by keeping it lazy. This is in particularly helpful when used with strictly evaluated data structures as for example Scala’s Future.

Some examples of the “Lifts” can be found in co.upvest.google4s.core.Lifts


  • At the current state, the client does not support administrative actions as Key or KeyRing creation as well as Key rotation is not supported programmatically.