
This project aims to provide easy access to Google PubSub services. It is a wrapper of the official google PubSub Java library.

The implementation of Publisher abstracts over Google Futures to either publish to:

  • A Flow in Akka Streams.
  • Scala’s Future by converting theGoogle Futures
  • An arbitrary context F[_] by providing a natural transformation (() => ?) ~> F to lift the computation.

The implementation of Subscriber abstracts over the callbacks to:

  • Source in context of Akka Streams utilizing for providing backpressure.

The implementation of TopicAdmin and SubscriptionAdmin implementing topic and subscription administration methods.

Encoding/Decoding of Messages is handled by the gpubsub.Messageable type class. Some instances can be found in co.upvest.google4s.gpubsub.Messagable.Converters.


Add the last stable version of google4s-gpubsub to your build dependencies:

libraryDependencies += "co.upvest.google4s" %% "google4s-gpubsub" % "..."

For more see example


The current limitations and known issues are stated below. If you think something is missed or have to be mentioned here please let us know.

  • The streaming implementation is not abstract and uses AkkaStreams. Plan for the future is to make an abstract specification and add implementations for scalaz streams and fs2.

  • The potential configurations of google libraries can be incredibly versatile and rich on options, those can be confusing when reading source code due to constructor overloading mixed with builder pattern you see everywhere in the Java implementation. We tried to keep the configuration as lean as possible so we might miss some important things, let use know if you miss something.